Evolution of a Smile…

This little one pretended to be shy…I say pretended because I could see right through it! I knew he was full of fun and giggles. But I played along as I always do. I took my time and went slow through his moment. I thought I would share with you the evolution of a smile. If you are gentle and patient it will come.

In the first moment he still needed Mom’s hand…Mommy's hand

then he let go…and brought his hand to his mouth…I knew I was getting closer!

Little Fingers

and then it started to…oh no what is that….


wait for it….

Big One

a big SMILE!!!

I loved it because this moment was so brief that Mom didnt even see it happen. Right after I got this shot she told me ” He doesnt like to smile in pictures much”, I said “oh really” and smiled to myself because I knew she was in for a treat!

Until Soon,


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